" Alana Hurd, you and the work you do are amazing. "
" I’ve never had to use your service but I’m blown away by the lengths some people will go to to assist others and the little feathered friends from their own genuine generosity and capacity to care. The world for birds is a better place because of you and your volunteers. "
" I found a pigeon in the canal which had been wounded by a left-over nylon fishing line. Since I am a cruising boater, I don't own a car and I was concerned a local vet would not have space/time to nurture the pigeon back to health. I contacted a bird rescue, but they were not very helpful with the transport problem, so I was getting very stressed. Someone tipped me about UK Wildlife Transporters and the rest is history. Alana and the volunteer driver she connected me to was an absolute Godsend; with their help I got the pigeon delivered to Tiggywinkles animal hospital.
I was particularly impressed by the efficiency of the service - it is fast & no nonsense. I would probably recommend Alana for any job that requires managing! I have given a contribution to the volunteers as a thank you for the help. "
" I just want, no need to say this.
I can vouch for the absolute professionalism displayed by yourselves.
I contacted you guys about a bird my cat had brought in, unharmed, but it was a baby. I was given instructions to the letter, I was informed of everything that would happen, when, who, where and why. I was told exactly where this bird was going, and signed it over with a small donation which I got a receipt acknowledgement for.
I was gobsmacked at the actual lengths that these humans went to for this little bird.
These people do this in their own time out of the kindness of their hearts, and don't get enough credit for doing so xx thank you for what you do xx "
" Would like to thank Alana and her amazing help today, the poorly bird I found has now been picked up and is on its way to get the help it needs. It was a baby also, so makes me so happy that although it didn’t get the best start, it will now be able to heal and hopefully lead a happy life. The response, phone calls, and help from start to finish was brilliant. Well done for being so amazing! "
" You spend all your time thanking others and rightly so however Alana here is a thank you to you. You work so hard and I honestly admire your commitment to our beautiful planet with all your wonderful projects. "
" About a year ago, I saw a poorly pigeon on the school run, huddled by a wall. My son was heartbroken. I promised him I'd catch the pigeon on the way home and find help for them if they were still there.
When I went back, sure enough, the pigeon was still there. I tried to catch them, but they flapped off. I had my pushchair with me, so I couldn't sneak up on it very well. It managed a low flight over 4 lanes of traffic, where it more collapsed than landed.
I had made a promise.
I walked to the crossing and doubled back. The poor pigeon was shivering, eyes closed. My last chance. If they made it up into the tree overhead, I couldn't get to them.
I moved quickly, before they realised I was there. Success! I had the pigeon. They had a chance! I held the bird to my chest with one hand. They settled in against the warmth of my body and went to sleep.
This poor, poor pigeon was emaciated, dirty. They had ornithosis, candida and canker.
They were in a bad way and needed urgent care. I phoned vets. I phoned known rescues. Nobody wanted to treat them. I felt defeated, but I had made a promise, and I couldn't face telling my son that nobody but us cared for this innocent little animal, and I had to have them PTS.
I posted on the Pigeon Rescue and Protection UK page. They connected me to Lindsay Maria and the amazing Linjoy Sanctuary. Then we hit another obstacle: I can't drive.
With Covid rife, I contacted you guys, not expecting anyone in my area. The driver (her name was Yvonne) came at short notice to collect the pigeon and transport them to Lindsay.
I can't tell you how much it means to me, to this day, that we were able to come together to give the pigeon a chance, and I didn't have to let my son down.
He cares so much about nature and animals, he's learned that from me but taken it to the next level. I don't want to ever break his young spirit and make him give up because it seems like he's the only one trying. I've felt like that before, and it's not a nice way to feel at all. We need hearts like his to bring up the rear and be the next generation of rehabbers and rescuers.
Without you and the work you all do, I would have had to show him a dark side to the world that he doesn't need to know about yet. He's bright eyed and hopeful, full of love and empathy. I mean, he's probably on the spectrum but trying to get taken seriously about it, especially with Covid, it's a nightmare.
So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. Thank you for helping that pigeon, and helping me protect my little boy's heart
He still talks about that pigeon. He's planned a whole life for them in his head. He imagines them flying high through the sky, having babies, all of that. He'll probably always remember, and when he talks about it his eyes shine and he beams pride and genuine happiness.
Sorry about the long post. I just wanted to try and convey the situation I was in, and how grateful I am to all of you for your help. You're incredible. Thank you Alana, thank you Lindsay, and thank you Yvonne!! "
" Had nothing but good experiences!
Always above and beyond helpful and the loveliest people that so clearly always have the best intentions. From the very first moment contact was made, everyone at work has been so impressed with the whole organisation and the way it’s run, and how careful and proactive all the coordinators and volunteers are. "
" Well… If it wasn’t for your amazing group I’d never have got to rehab and release the shoutiest gull chick I ever met this summer! Thanks so much for what you do Alana Hurd and all your amazing volunteers.
I love how the process is so professional and structured so you know everything is taken care of and what’s going to happen. "
" I have now been lucky to help with the Transport for a variety of birds - baby Robin, Corvid, many Pigeons and even a Kestrel! I have had the pleasure of going to small rescues and several times long distance journeys to Tiggywinkles.
At all times I have been kept informed and kept in contact with the Co-ordinator on that day, that not only monitors the animal's welfare but mine as well, whilst organising everything behind the scenes. I am so happy that I found this group and I am able to do a little something to help change lives. Keep going Alana, all the other co-ordinators and all my fellow drivers, so proud to be part of this amazing team xxxx "
" You helped me out collecting a bird from Rosewood Vets not too long ago and took it to a rescue for us along with the meds. Couldn't fault you. Very grateful for your help. "
" You have always helped us with casualties and most of these would have been PTS if it wasn’t for this service, Alana and all of the amazing volunteers who give up their time for free x "
" I spoke to you a long while ago about transporting a poorly hedgehog from an elderly gentleman, you were friendly and professional and couldn't have been more helpful and did your absolute upmost to organise a transporter to collect the hedgehog. I love the fact you help all kinds of wildlife.
Without UK Transporters a lot of wildlife wouldn't stand a chance. So thank you to yourself and your fabulous team for all the hard work you do, people do not realise how much work goes on in the background. Your passion and dedication is greatly appreciated!! X x "
(AS OF 25TH NOV. 2024)

" Hi Alana, you put me in touch with a lovely transporter near Midlothian who was so helpful. Sadly the lil pigeon was too far gone with terrible injuries and was PTS at the vets but she listened to me and comforted me when I cried. You were also super helpful on the phone.Thank you for everything you do, sadly I don't remember the transporter's name. "
" I love UK transporters because you helped me with the little Crow I found in July. No one else would help me, for over a week I tried every number I could find to get him checked over or help and no one would. Just you and Tiggywinkles were the only ones and I won’t never forget, never!
You are wonderful people in my eyes. "
" I have had numerous positive experiences with UK Wildlife Transporters. We have had casualties transported to us and also used this absolutely essential service. I was amazed by the professionalism and the lengths that both the co-ordinators and the drivers go to to minimise the suffering of wildlife and ensure the best outcome for each individual.
Knowing Alana personally you wouldn't BELIEVE the level of effort this lady puts in day after day after day to make things better for our wildlife.
My heart goes out to you."
" Having had assistance via Alana in the past, UKWT are really professional and almost military precision. The whole team are fantastic and so many little lives stand testimony to what a fab group of people they are. "
" Alana & her team are all doing a fantastic & very professional job. I have also been a volunteer driver for our local wildlife rescue for over 20 years & speak from experience. Keep up the great job everyone... Wildlife is relying on you. "
" I have had the honour of rescuing on 2 occasions from where I live to Hessilhead Wildlife Centre (about a 2 hr round trip).
On one occasion it was 3 gulls so had to use my own container too (as one per container).
The contact I have had with Alana has been nothing but professional in all instances I’ve been involved in and will always update everyone if new policies come into force etc. All this has been done in her own time and she hasn’t received anything monetary from it.
If it wasn’t for Alana then I hate to think how many more animals would have been left to suffer without help.
Thank you Alana for everything you have done to make this group successful. It’s about the animals that are rescued xxx "
" Myself and my rescue have worked with Alana for over a year and she has only ever been professional and efficient, with the animal welfare at the forefront of her mind.
To be honest UKWT plays such a vital part in helping us get wildlife to carers and vets that I would never want to go back to before we had this fantastic group.
Transporting wildlife to where they need to go is often the most difficult part and is literally life and death for the individual, without Alana we would not have saved as many animals as we have this year.
We owe her and her awesome team our thanks and gratitude…. "
" I first used UKWT a year ago. My most favourite of all my favourite pigeons got seriously ill. A lovely almost white elegant pigeon called Seagull. All the rescues in Sheffield, Chesterfield, Rotherham were full. I had posted on a pigeon forum and Linjoy Sanctuary got in touch saying he needed urgent treatment.
I don't have a car and couldn't find anyone to give him a lift. The train didn't go that close to the sanctuary and I had a broken ankle so much as I loved this bird I couldn't face this journey.
UKWT were professional, understanding, efficient and quickly organised a lift from the excellent wildlife rescuer Mark Walker who did a 100 mile round trip to rescue my beloved Seagull (pigeon) and get him the medical care he needed. Last month again, at very short notice they were wonderful and Helen drove 100 miles during a petrol crisis to take three very sick Sheffield pigeons to Linjoy Sanctuary.
We were so stressed about these birds and that strangers will do this service for them (when urban birds in particular are subject to so much hate) makes me want to cry with how grateful and happy we were that they were given a chance of survival. "
" Alana you are doing a fantastic job. You have helped loads of pigeons which would have passed in agony had it not been for you. I have had the pleasure of meeting them... Some sad cases but wow some amazing cases.... I'm so in love with all the pigeons Eden Lane has taken and I'm back in a cpl of weeks to see the whole flock... "
" Since my first interaction with Alana I have found her to be 100% professional and always has the best interests of the animal at the front of everything she does.
To ensure that rescues are legitimate is also testament to her dedication for the care of wildlife.
She has trained her team on the phone who do a sterling job and are very helpful and supportive. Very efficient and communicate verbally and confirm details via email.
The transporters/drivers again do an outstanding job, travelling miles to collect and deliver the wildlife, who then confirm their ETA based on the traffic conditions.
They have always ensured our hedgehogs are on heat and in the appropriate carrier.
They are truly outstanding and all volunteers, many with day jobs.
Thank you to all the team for your work to date supporting not only myself but my fellow carers at Hedgehog Helpline. We appreciate everything you do. "
" Alana and UKWT have always been positive, determined and professional, helping to cooperate and find solutions and often taking a lot of time and effort to do so in difficult/stressful situations.
You should be proud of what you've achieved here and all the animals, rescues and members of the public you've helped through UKWT. We really appreciate you, and the animals are lucky to have you."
" As a charity that is registered with UK Wildlife Transporters, we have used the service to find transportation and accepted casualties via transporters. We have had nothing but excellent experiences.
Knowing how thorough the policies of UKWT are, we are confident that both the birds and transporters are safe and that the casualties are well looked after during the journey to an appropriate facility.
The many hours put in by the founder, Alana, often in her spare time and all the volunteers is something to be commended to the highest level and we cannot emphasise the importance and need for a service like this! "
" Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... You wonderful people! Reuben the crow is now safely on his way to Animals in Need at Little Irchester Northants. Without the help and advice of Wildlife Transporters UK I think he might have died of shock. Thank you again. "
" Wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for helping in the transport of 'Pie' to Tiggywinks, I was at a loss until someone told me about UKWT. Thank you to the lovely lady who drove for hours to make sure the little magpie would get the help he needed. You all do such an amazing job, quick to respond and very helpful. Wildlife angels thank you for all you do. "