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Why Does UK Wildlife Transporters Matter, To Me?

I set UKWT up because there was a need: up to 3 out of every 10 wildlife casualties found in the UK were often passing away/stuck in pain purely because they couldn't be transported to Wildlife Rescues/Vet Practices quickly enough or at all. I knew that I could something to help.

It wasn’t hard to build a website and set up the necessary maps of Wildlife Rescues in the UK and Volunteer Drivers - being the amazing humans that they are - were quick to step up en masse to help out.

Over time, as Vet Practices started contacting me to ask for transport help, I discovered that Vet Practices were finding themselves inundated with wildlife casualties & orphans, dropped off to them from members of the public, without having the support to provide knowledgeable care AND/OR - after medical care was provided - to move them onto Wildlife Rescues for longer term rehab and release. So... I expanded the UKWT remit to provide some very specific types of support for Vet Practices.

And why do I specifically care?
Because we are all here, as one planet, and we all matter. It really is that simple, to me.

If we can help one another out - and want to - shouldn’t we do so? There was a need and I saw that I could help, so I did. Now, I want to help more - because we have only just started to set up any kind of wildlife emergency transport structure in the UK - because doesn’t every poorly/orphaned wild life deserve a helping human hand, if we can make it happen? This is why, while I keep UKWT going in a small way on my own, growing in tiny increments, I am also fundraising to create not just a salary for myself, so that I can commit more time, but also to hire our first wave of staff: emergency fundraiser.

As humans, when we’re poorly, we ask for help to get better, if we need to. I think that we all deserve that same help, whatever our species.

We’re one planet, just in a multitude of different forms. If we’re stuck & struggling, we all deserve to have someone fighting for a second chance for us.

UKWT is just one ‘human’ offering another creature (whatever species they are) a helping hand, whether they have spikes, fur, feathers or scales. Why? Because we can. Because they deserve it. Because we ALL matter.

That’s it… Alana xx

PS. Check out the ‘UKWT Then To Now’ steps that have been taken thus far, to be of service to the world around us.

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