This photo is saved on my computer as 'This Little Face': it's a reminder to me - that I've recently started looking at regularly, if I am feeling a bit worn out - of why the Wildlife Care Badge and UK Wildlife Transporters are so important to me.
They're important because we all matter, 'whatever/whoever' we are. We are all born just to BE, and to thrive. If we find ourselves struggling and we need a helping hand/paw/fin/claw, we deserve to be treated with honesty and empathy and compassion.
I run UKWT in such a way that, as an organisation, we acknowledge the autonomy & independence of every wild creature. If a wild creature needs help - if it is a choice between leaving them to suffer & die or to step in, to try and offer a second chance - UKWT is here only to serve them: to provide them, the best we can, with a renewed wild life. Their right to feel as in control of the situation as possible, to not have their space and bodies unnecessarily interfered with, to be passed only onto other humans (Rehabbers) who have set themselves up to really be of help to them: those are our goals.
I put a huge amount of time and thought into ensuring that every step UKWT takes is with every animal's best interests in mind and that we are serving the wildlife that come under our temporary responsibility the best we can. I do it because every life matters and if I am not going to run UKWT properly, I shouldn't run it at all...