"A message from me, Alana, founder of UKWT…
I offered to attach a personal testimonial to Awakening Horizon’s ‘virtual stall’ (before you click through, to check out their website) because of my own personal experiences with this company and with the kind of work that they do.
I think that a lot of people who know me through my various non profit organisations might be surprised to know that I credit a lot of the wildlife work that I’ve done (founding UKWT and the WCB and my wildscaping work) to working from what I call ‘my heart’ rather than my ‘my head’. I was introduced by friends (in 2016) to the practice of setting goals/taking action from a kind of ‘fresh blank canvas’: believing that I can create only what I would love to happen, instead of thinking that I have to conform to what I just think might be possible. I talk about it very briefly, with regards to my wildscaping work, HERE.
Without discovering this way of working, I wouldn’t have had the confidence to found UKWT (when I saw the transport gap that needed to be filled) or the WCB. I wouldn’t have had the pushiness to get councils to listen to me or organisations to hire me, to wildscape their spaces, to help us humans to live in greater harmony with wildlife.
I have worked with Deborah from Awakening Horizons since my mum died in 2020. I had known her for a few years and I had done similar meditative practices to what Awakening Horizons offered, so when they launched in 2020 I was excited to be one of their first clients. It has been a real gift and was an essential foundation in a suddenly very rocky world.
In my experience, living/working from my heart - accepting what I am most passionate about manifesting in the world, for myself/others - has enabled me to be my most sensible and practical self, without any challenges that I faced being too overwhelming.
If you’re at all curious, feel free to check out their website and their services.
Alana xx"