Emergency 2024 Fundraiser
My name's Alana, I founded and run UKWT.

Right now, I am - urgently - fundraising £30,000 upfront to fund new staff & running costs ASAP (2025).
Why is funding staff important? Why isn't it a waste of money (that could go on fuel or equipment)?
The demand for our services has grown so much that we can't meet it on a volunteer basis anymore: in order to help over at least 10,000 wild lives every year, I need to hire the staff to commit the proper hours to offer reliable, efficient LOGISTICAL & TRANSPORT services to Vet Practices & Wildlife Rehabbers (to whom I have promised help) to help them to help wildlife...
The full Proposal/Presentation for our 2025 plans (and our plans up 2028, when we hope to be supporting the saving of around 1 million wild lives a year) is 31 pages long and very detailed.
This is no quick dream: it's a very serious, meticulously thought out commitment to helping our UK wildlife.
Finally... Once I have raised this £30K, am I going to be fundraising again in 6 months time? No... Because part of our fundraising plan involves growing the Planetary Prize Giving Game - see below - and once that reaches 12,000 players a month (playing for FREE, to win FREE prizes) the sponsorship revenue funds our £4500 monthly staffing costs.
Essentially: we're a nationwide safety net for wildlife who need a helping hand.
There's no national infrastructure to support the pick up and transfer of wildlife for medical & rehabilitative treatment, causing unnecessary deaths & suffering.
We started to fill that gap 4 years ago (and have helped over 600 wild lives) but now we need to step up to help more...
We are fundraising NOW to...
Recruit Volunteer Transport Drivers to be allocated in teams to Wildlife Rescues & Vet Practices so that... The Vet Practices will treat (and not just euthanase on arrival) a wildlife casualty/orphan, because they will know that they have Drivers who can move it on after to a Rescue, for long term care. And... So that Rescues have Drivers to send out to pick up wildlife from people who can't drive.
Use our national network of Vet Practices to also provide them with the knowledge on how to offer medical care to wildlife (most don’t have wildlife training).
These steps ensure that every wild life gets medical care.
We just need the funding for the human power to put in the time to coordinate all the work & recruit drivers etc so that this year we can start by ensuring that 10,000 wildlife casualties/orphans get the emergency medical & rehabilitative care that they require.

By the end of 2025 we want to have offered - by email - the 'Vet Wildlife Support Package' to every one of the approximately 5000 Vet Practices in the UK (helping them to help wildlife).
[The VWSP is a collection of 'how to treat wildlife' pdf & video guides, made available by the WCB & created by wildlife specialist Vets to enable ALL Vets & Vet nurses, in ALL UK practices, to know how to offer emergency medical care to the wildlife that are handed into them.
We are offering this package out because these guides came to our attention last year and at that time the audience that they were being promoted to was very small. We offered to promote the VWSP as part of our Vet Practice Wildlife Support Effort, guaranteeing that every Vet Practice in the UK could become aware of the guides & could start to use them. This is vital, as a very low % of Vets & Vet Nurses have been provided significant training in offering medical care to wildlife (which is non one's fault as the Vet Professions are still catching up in offering specialist wildlife education) so having access to these guides WILL help them to use their already fundamental/practiced clinical animal care skills to save wild lives, as well as domestic patients.]

[Through the UKWT partnership with the Wildlife Care Badge, we are offering wildlife transport support to all WCB Holder Wildlife Rescues & large centres in the UK, so that they will always have Drivers to send out to pick up wildlife from members of the public who cannot transport a casualty/orphan to urgent medical/rehabilitative care themselves. We are offering Drivers to everyone on this MAP (just these efforts will make a difference to 100s of wild lives).]
We want to support 100 Vet Practices with wildlife transport support so that they can take in and offer emergency medical care to at least 10,000 wildlife casualties/orphans during Spring/Summer every year, before using our Drivers to move the animals onto a Wildlife Rescue for longer term recovery care. (Vet Practices see an average of 30 casualties a month each, during Spring/Summer).
Why are we offering this service? Because... Vet Practices can be very scary places for wildlife. After a wildlife casualty/orphan has been dropped off at the practice by a member of the public - and initial triage/first aid has been provided - being held in a Vet Practice long term can be detrimental to a wild animal's well being. Unfortunately however, Vet Practices are generally too short staffed to send a staff member out of the practice, to transport a wild animal, after treatment, on to a nearby Rescue. Add to that that most Vet Practices don't actually have spaces to keep wildlife casualties after their initial treatment.
We want to support Vet Practices, who are all already doing their best, to be in a position to provide emergency medical care when an wild life is dropped into them, to then pass the casualty/orphan to a Transport Driver to be moved over to a local Wildlife Rescue, where they can continue their recovery.
If we don't offer this service, some Vet Practices might feel that their kindest action is to euthanase wildlife on arrival. Obviously, euthanasia is sometimes the best option but we want to be there to support those animals who could be given a second chance.
To avoid paying Paypal fees on your valuable donation, please send your donation, if you can, to alana@ukwildlifetransporters.org (using the 'Friends & Family' option).
If you'd like to se a card to donate - away from Go Fund Me - please use the button below...

Or scroll down to find out how else you can support, from fundraising for us to booking our WFAO Course to being in with a chance to win a sea side holiday...
After transporting almost 600 casualties/orphans in our first (almost) 2 years, we have upgraded our whole structure - find out more HERE - to be able to ensure at least 10,000 wildlife casualties/orphans get the medical/rehabilitative care they need every year.
Our five year goal is to be set up to be able to play our part in helping around 1,000,000 wildlife casualties/orphans a year from 2028 (no wild life left without care).
We are currently open on a small scale but we could help much more. It's just me, Alana, running UKWT and overseeing our Vet Practice / Wildlife Rescue network plus all of our amazing Drivers. On my own, I can oversee UKWT to help hopefully a few 100 wildlife casualties/orphans a year. With the minimum staff that we require to start operating properly again - saying 'yes' to all of the Vet Practices & Rescues who have asked for our help - we can help 10,000 wild lives every year, just by supporting 100 Vet Practices & all of the Wildlife Care Badge Holders with transport support. We then have an ongoing plan to help us to keep funding staff and growing from 2025 onwards.
Our work is incredibly important and - whilst we don't want to JUST ask for donations - we do want to invite support from anyone who believes in our work and would just like to support our efforts. For anyone who donates to support staff & running costs, there will be a monthly newsletter letting you know what we are achieving with your support.

As well as co-founding the WCB and founding UKWT, I have also written this new E-Handbook...
As the website especially launched to promote ‘Our Planet - A Love Story’ states…
"This E-Handbook is a comprehensive examination (300 pages) of the questions that I touch on through, 'Our Planet (Our Paradise)'....
"What if we are born to fully thrive as one whole planet, all of us born wild and free and enabled to share our lives better, together, no matter ‘what’ or ‘who’ we are, as we are all one planetary community, together, whatever creature (animal, botanical, mineral etc) we are…?"
And... "What if our planet births us all as wild, empowered creatures, all here as part of a planet that is aware of itself, observes itself, interacts with itself, relates to itself & even feeds off itself (and more)?""
Every penny of profit from this handbook is going to be used to help humans & all other wild creatures thrive, globally & locally.
You can win one of three ‘wild’ prizes when you preorder this E-Book. The £13365 raised from the first 1500 sales of this handbook will be put towards our UKWT fundraising effort.

UKWT is one of what I think of as my 'wildlife emergency services' - my main overarching organisation is called Our Planet (Our Paradise). It is through the 'Play Your Way Game' that I am running via OP(OP) that I hope to generate £4.5k a month to cover our UKWT staffing fees, to help a minimum of 10,000 wild lives every year.
12,000 regular players (playing for FREE, to win FREE prizes) will fund our staffing costs now & into the future.
[My 'emergency fundraising plan' is to grow the PYWG as quickly as possible. The PYWG has been trialled and was very successful and, thanks to the trial, an informed estimate suggests that it will take 6 - 9 months to grow to 12,000 players.].
I would like to fund staff to dedicate 85hrs of wildlife saving work ASAP, so I am combining growing the Game whilst inviting funding through the other channels exhibited on this page.

Wildlife casualties need help urgently when found and it's surprising how many people find a wildlife casualty on the way to work or even on the work place premises itself.
Equally... At least half of the calls to Wildlife Rescues about poorly/orphaned wildlife casualties are from people who have found these animals in their garden and need urgent advice on how to help them.
Having an allocated 'Wildlife First Aid Officer' in your work place or at home (as well as the right equipment and a bespoke list of your nearest Wildlife Rescues & Vet Practices) ensures that you're set up to know exactly how to help a wildlife casualty. You will be able to help them within minutes (instead of it sometimes taking days to find help) minimising any disruption to your day as well as giving you the best chance to save that furry/feathery/spiky life.
This online 1hr group course (for a fee of £30 for any companies or home owners/renters who want to attend) runs every Wednesday evening at 19:00. (The income from these courses will be donated from WW to fund our new staff roles & our running costs)
OR... If you follow the link (underneath info on the course) you can instead purchase an E-Booklet for immediate download from our Ko-Fi Shop: a 16 page E-Booklet that advises on how to be prepared in case you find a wildlife casualty & exactly what to do you if you find one...

There are 6 designs available (each) for these desktop & phone digital wallpaper images.
They are available for immediate download at our Ko-Fi Wild Living Digital Shop at £3 each (all income going towards this emergency fundraiser).
Extra FUN bonus... When we sell 1000 'wall papers' I will email everyone who has purchased one and invite them to send me a selfie: I'll upload them all to make up an 'I Love Our UK Wildlife' digital mosaic wall paper (for desktop and phone) to be gifted free to everyone whose selfie is featured, as a special 'thank you'.